No matter your place of birth, your age, or where you are in your faith journey, there's a place for you at Christ Community Church! We are a multi-ethnic, multi-generational community of people from all over the world. Although our worship services are in English, it's not unusual to hear people speaking different languages in our courtyard after a worship service.
I love how our church family sings out on Sunday mornings. But even more encouraging is hearing stories of how they worship God with their lives all throughout the week.
— Todd Dunn
Each part of the Bay Area seems to have its own localized flavor. Perhaps more than any other feature, what makes the Milpitas area special is its incredible diversity, and so is Christ Community Church. We are people from all over the world. The Book of Revelation tells us that one day God will assemble His people from “every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev 5:9). We like to think that our church is a small reflection of that beautiful tapestry that God will one day weave from all nations. We see our unified diversity as a church both as a blessing and a calling. Together, we offer living testimony to how very different people can love one another. And together we more effectively proclaim the love of God in a multicultural environment. For over 50 years, Christ Community Church has been strongly committed to Jesus Christ, the Holy Scriptures, and Jesus' mission to proclaim God's love to all people. That's who we are.

Matt Robbins | Senior Pastor
Matt loves Jesus and people. He yearns for other people to know and love Jesus too. His favorite scripture is John 13, when Jesus washed his disciples feet. A King who chooses to be a servant, wow! Matt has devoted his life to follow that servant-king in love and service. He has been a college pastor in Davis, CA, a senior pastor in Jacksonville, Fl, and a missionary in Ghana with International Justice Mission, where he worked to combat child trafficking. Matt holds a Doctorate (D.Min) and Masters degree (M.Div) from Fuller Seminary and a B.A. from UC Davis. Matt is devoted to his incredible wife Joy and and their three awesome kids. He is an avid 49er fan and youth sports coach.
David Ding | Connections Pastor
David loves to help in making church a place where you belong and believes C3 is one of those churches. He served 4 years as a college pastor at his alma mater (UC Davis…GO Aggies!) and 3 years as a youth pastor in Southern California. He studied Pastoral Care and Counseling at Biola. He is married to his best friend Haley, who he met at an airport. He enjoys learning to cook, exploring new cultures, and burning his brain over board games. David loves to sit with people and share stories, so don’t hesitate to introduce yourself!
Sue McKinney | Executive Director
Sue was born and raised in California. Sue is married to Don and they have two grown children and four grandchildren. She has worked in the Finance area for over 28 years and has written articles and taught workshops in the area of non-profit finance. Her ministry verse is 1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” Sue commutes 150 miles round trip to serve here at C3. She loves spending time with her grandchildren and diamond painting.
Troy Patterson | Youth Director
Troy was born in Ft. Lewis Washington and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the son of both a Pastor and a US Army retired drill sergeant. He is a US Navy Veteran. He also has a background in being a Youth Pastor, A Youth Coordinator for Foster children, is a licensed Class A Barber and a Trust Based Relational Intervention practitioner. Not only that, but he loves Christ and his people. He hopes to live a life loving others and sharing the gospel with everyone he encounters. He has a passion for the youth and this generation, and he hopes to be used by God to make a difference in the lives of young people processing their faith journey. Troy has traveled the world and God has shown him people from all walks of life which has helped fuel his passion for meeting people, learning about them and doing life together with them.
Todd Dunn | Worship Director
Todd is married to the very talented and beautiful Renee who is the Children’s Ministry Director. They have been blessed with 8 children (7 are adults and the three youngest being adopted from Haiti. Noah, one of those children, passed away during the adoption process) and has 7 grandsons and 6 granddaughters. He loves being a Grampy (they all call him BB)! He grew up in this church, having attended here since 1970 and has been on staff as the Worship Ministries Director since 2000. Todd's passion is to draw closer to God every day. Todd loves how God uses the Worship Ministries family to bring new and talented people to our church, giving them an opportunity to glorify God with their talent. There is a motto used in Worship Ministries: "We are more than the Arts, we are family."
Todd Misfeldt | Care & Discipleship Pastor
After a four-decade career in software and investment properties in the valley, the loss of employment and the death of his parents led Todd to reconsider his future. God led him to Psalm 1, and he responded by enrolling in Fuller Seminary, where he received a Masters of Divinity. Always active in church as an elder and teacher, his seminary years intensified his passion to help people mature in their faith and to care for them in their time of need. He enjoys travel, managing the family's investments, and woodworking when his garage isn’t full of his kid’s stuff. One of his life goals is to demonstrate Christ’s love for everyone and lead others to do the same.
Renee Dunn | Children's Ministry Director
Renee Dunn served in Children’s Ministry for almost 30 years. She loves helping other families find time for each other, create memories, and is passionate about parents and kids growing closer to Christ as a family. Renee’s life was impacted by attending VBS as a child, so she is passionate about each opportunity to share Jesus with kids! She is the mother of 8 amazing children and married to Todd Dunn, who is the Director of Worship Ministries! Renee absolutely adores being a Grammy (or “Gaga” as her grandkids call her) to an ever-growing number of grand babies. So far 7 boys and 6 girls! Renee is a non-recovering design addict from California. She will paint or remodel anything she gets her hands on.
Devi serves as the Childcare Coordinator at C3. She worked in her son’s Special Ed class and has a heart for children. She volunteered at a Kids Club Summer camp and loved it! She knew being a part of the C3 team was the place where the Lord would grow her and use her gifts! Devi is an integral part of the Children’s Ministry team, helping with recruiting and overseeing volunteers, planning, and teaching preschool. She and Richie have been married for 12 years, and she’s a mom of 2, Deric (10) and Danica (7). Devi loves to binge-watch a good TV series that she has already seen! Best of all, she loves to spend time traveling with her family. She’s also the family mom-grapher, she loves to take pictures of her kids and nature around her.
Andrea has been working as a Children's Ministry Assistant for just about one year now, and she loves her job! For the previous 32 years she had worked as a Physical Therapist and while she also loved that job, she was ready for a change. She loves a good pun and enjoys entertaining friends and family with her latest jokes (although she may get the most entertainment out of it). Her favorite thing to do is spending time with her family, and especially getting to go on trips with them. She enjoys music of all kinds and hopes to play more (on her saxophone and clarinet) and to learn to play guitar better in the future. She loves C3 and having the privilege to work alongside such great people!
Tom Giovannini | Men’s Ministry Lay Pastor
Tom has been attending C3 with his wife Shelley since 1986. They have been blessed with two daughters, Sarah and Rebecca, who grew up in our church. Over the years, Tom has been involved in various ministries, and has been a Deacon and an Elder. After retiring from 40 years of working in the electronics industry, he spent time exploring what God had prepared for him to do next, and he sensed God leading him to focus on his long-time passion for men’s discipleship. This ultimately led to his recent commissioning as the C3 Men’s Ministry Lay Pastor. He believes that God desires the men of C3 to be continually growing as disciples of Jesus and living impactfully for Him in all areas of life. He enjoys playing guitar, listening to jazz guitar players, and reading.
Dave Palmer | Facilities Manager
Dave has worked in various roles in material handling and building maintenance areas for 56 years, including technician, lead technician, parts manager and various other areas of management. He has been going to church on and off since he was 5 years old and attending Christ Community Church since 1989. Dave has served in various areas of the church, as a musician, leading small groups, and in both the Technical and Facilities departments. He has been married to Annette for 52 years. They have 4 children and 9 grandchildren.
Joshua has worked for Christ Community Church of Milpitas for 24 years and has volunteered with the Youth for over 25 years. Over 30 mission trips have taken place with him around the world, including trips to San Salvador with Young Adults, Mexico with High Schoolers, and Camp Verda in Arizona with Junior Highs. His hometown is San Jose, CA, and he attended Foothill College. Furthermore, he is proud to be an Uncle thirteen times and a Great Uncle seven times.
Ethan helps fix and set up for events around the church as the facilities assistant. He also serves as a junior high youth leader on Wednesday nights. Watching movies is Ethan's favorite past time, and he aspires to one day work in the film industry. He enjoys 3D printing, writing, and listening to music. Ethan loves working at the church, but his favorite part is getting to work with the community.
Paula Mercurio | Administrative Assistant
Over the past 20 years, Paula has held accounting/administrative positions in a variety of industries - pharmaceutical manufacturer, mobile home dealership, secondary education, electrical distributorship, and the entertainment industry. It seems she's got a gift for growing most plants and is great at nurturing the greenery on her patio (herbs, flowers, plants). She's a huge fan of live music. Her hobbies include genealogy, scrapbooking, card making, and needlework.
Larry has been enjoyably working at our church for over 16 years as a Data Entry Clerk. He loves working for the church, serving the Lord, and being here with staff and helping where he can, in the office and church. He grew up in Southern California, and have lived in San Jose for many years. Larry enjoys doing yard work and stuff around the house. He is married and has one daughter who lives close by. He enjoys watching golf. And his favorite desserts are Fresh Peach and Apple Pies. Also, he likes to snack on most kinds of Milk Chocolate candy.
Sean LaRussa | Tech Coordinator
Sean was born and raised here in Silicon Valley and has been attending C3 for over 45 years. He has been keeping C3 humming along digitally for 40 years as part of the tech team here and has seen enough PowerPoint presentations to last a lifetime (but thankfully, also witnessed countless moments of faith and inspiration!). Outside of tech wizardry, he is a happily married man of 31 years to the amazing Lori, and a proud dad of 3 awesome kids (now adults). When he’s not wrangling tech gremlins or spending time with his family, you can find him, fueling his Star Wars obsession (May the Force be with you, always), attending car shows and meets with his classic Fairlane along with his son and his classic F250 truck, capturing moments through photography and videography, or up on stage bringing low-end magic with his bass guitar. Sean believes technology can be a powerful tool for sharing faith and connecting with others and gets to combine his passions with the amazing community of this church. It's a win-win!
We are blessed to have an awesome group of elders, elected by the church, who along with Pastor Matt "Session", which is our governing board. This team provides big picture vision and accountability to our values and mission. Lorsen Koo, Bill Barnes, Cheryl Chin, Ron Wetter, Jessica Woodworth, Tom Giovannini, KeeHoon Cheung, Kevin Johnson, Diana Shak