Dear Church Family

As you may have heard, we need to replace the roof on the Worship Center.  It has served us well for almost 30 years.  Well, I should qualify that and say it served us well for about 25 years and Dave Palmer has found a way to patch it up for the last five. This past winter’s abundant rainfall was wonderful for farmers, ski-resorts, and fish, but terrible for our roof and ceiling.

We have over 20 leaks in various parts of the building that are damaging ceiling tiles. Repairing the leaks is no longer the best option. We need to replace it all together.

Our desire is for you to stay dry as your worship without holding an umbrella or wearing a poncho!  A pretty worthy cause, wouldn’t you agree?  We are so grateful for the facility we have to be able to worship God and share our faith with the community.  From time to time, it needs some TLC.

This is a daunting project, but if we all pitch in, we can “raise the roof!”

The cost to replace the worship center roof is $232,050. We learned from the roofer it takes 202 squares (10x10) of shingles to cover the entire roof. This makes each square about $1,150.    Would you help us sponsor these squares?  Here are some suggested donation amounts:

10 squares =11,500

5 squares= $5,750

2 squares= $2,300

1 square= $1,150

½ square= $575

¼ square= $287.50

We have enclosed a giving card for you to use to indicate your gift towards raising the roof. You can turn this card in anytime. You can also give online by choosing from the Fund Drop Down menu “Raise the Roof”.

To thank you for your generosity, you are invited to the “Raise the Roof Rally” on July 16 at 5pm in the Social Hall. This will be a fun party where I am going to cook you a Carne Asada dinner (my own personal marinade recipe).  There will also be some fun games and a meaningful prayer time.

Thank you for helping keep the congregation dry!


Pastor Matt

Check Out Our Raise the Roof Videos


Pastor Matt is on the roof with Dave, the facilities manager, who informs them about leaks in the Worship Center roof. The leaks cannot be fixed anymore. Fortunately, Pastor Matt discovers extra roof tiles, and Dave emphasizes the need for a new roof.


Pastor Matt and Dave discuss the condition of the church's roof, which was exposed during the previous winter, leading to numerous leaks and water damage. Matt expresses skepticism, but Dave emphasizes the seriousness of the situation.

C3 News | Part 3

Dave Palmer, the grumpiest man in California, is unhappy because the rain is causing leaks in his church's roof. Despite Dave's suggestion of getting a new roof, his senior pastor, Matt Robinson, insists on using duct tape and Band-Aids, believing that a leaky roof fosters a closer connection to God's creation.


Sunday, July 16 at 5pm

RAISE THE ROOF RALLY │ Sunday, July 16 at 5pm │

Sun, July 16 | 5PM

We are excited that you are helping keep our congregation dry by purchasing help purchase a square of tiles.

To thank you, we would love for you to join us on Sunday, July 16 at 5pm for dinner and some fun.

Please let us know how many from your family is coming; if you have any food allergies and need childcare.